Tom MacLean
Tom MacLean is an interim Board Director for Roots to Roofs, and is the current National Vice President for the Canadian Union of Skilled Workers. He works in various parts of Canada in his role supporting growth and business development. CUSW supplies skilled trades and apprentices in the Construction Industry, and along with the Aboriginal Skilled Workers Association, are key partners in R2R’s training development work.
CUSW’s support of diversity and inclusion is why the union is involved with supporting the inception of Roots to Roofs. Applying these values and beliefs from our Constitution supports CUSW’s work with Aboriginal, Metis, and Inuit Peoples and communities. For Tom, the opportunity to help build the frontend of a social enterprise that will be controlled and operated by the communities it works in is something that he is very proud of. In his role as interim R2R director, Tom will continue to support the evolution of the organization into a community controlled and operated NFP Organization. Tom looks to forward to working with and supporting the communities involved in R2R initiatives.